This Girl’s Gotta Treadle!

It all started out innocently enough. Just as all quilt projects do. While working in the stash part of the studio, pulling and rearranging,... thumbnail 1 summary
It all started out innocently enough.

Just as all quilt projects do.

While working in the stash part of the studio, pulling and rearranging, it is impossible to not start imagining how certain fabrics would look together in a certain quilt or block.  That red may not have been anywhere NEAR that pink before I had a pile on the table and they found themselves touching – but there they were, table-partners and I liked what I saw so I gave it a shot.

But the shot -- -was NOT!

Have you ever had that happen?  What you think will work for a setting just doesn’t turn out in real fabric in real size as what it did in your mind?

Such is the case of the wayward pink and red sashings here.

I loved the thought of striped sashing.  But it makes the sashing too wide for the block, and it overpowers what is going on with the blocks themselves.

I needed something cooler to bring out the light squares in the blocks. 

A place for the eye to rest, but something that held more excitement than plain ordinary sashing.

And a plan was hatched!
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